Deoband To Bareilly - Deobandism Facts
By: Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi
Translated by: POWERUNISAIFI
Banda-e-Parwurdigaaram Ummat-e-Ahmad Nabee Doust Daar-e-Chaar Yaaram Taab 'e Aulaad-e- 'Alee Mazhab-e-Hanfiyah Daaram Millat-e-Hazrat Khaleel Khaak Paa 'e Ghaus-e-A 'zam Zer-e-Saayah Har Walee
Of the Bondsmen of my Rabb I am and of the ummat of Prophet Ahmad
(Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam).
All four friends* (of the Prophet) I hold dear and I am of the slaves to the progeny of 'Alee**
(Radiyal Laahu 'Anhum).
Of the Hanfiyyah creed I am and belong to the millet of Hazrat Khaleel ul Laah Ibraaheem, (Alaihis-Salaam).
Dust from under the feet of Ghaus-e-A'zam***
(Radiyal Laahu 'Anhu)
I am, and under the protection of every friend of Al-Laah
(Radiyal Laahu 'Anhum).
* Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat 'Umar, Hazrat 'Usmaan, Hazrat 'Alec (Radiyal Laahu 'Anhum).
** Hazrat Imaam Hasan, Hazrat Imaam Husain (Radiyal Laahu 'Anhuma).
*** Hazrat Shaikh Saiyyid 'Abdul Qaadir Jeelaanee (Radiyal Laahu Anhu
About the Tableeghi Jamaa'at's book "Fazaa'il-e-Tableegh" and about declaring "the movement of Tableeghi Jamna’at as proof of the virtues of preaching," 'Abdur-Raheem Shah Sahib writes: "It is a strange contradiction that at places it (the virtue of preaching) has been declared as a Prophetic tradition and at places Maulana Muhammad Ilyaas is pronounced to be its founder and prime mover." Usool-e-Da'wat-o-Tableegh, page 150.
Ihteshaamul Hasan Kandhalvi Sahib, brother-in-law of Muhammad Ilyaas Sahib and his special assistant and associate from childhood to old age, writing in the concluding part of his book, Zindagee Kee Siraate Mustaqeem (the straight path of life) under the heading "An essential warning", says: "The present preaching done by Nizamuddin (a locality of Dehli) is, in my knowledge and understanding, not in consonance with the Qur'aan and the Sunnat, nor it is in consonance with the creed of Hazrat Mujad-did Alfe Saani and Hazrat Shah Waleey-yul Laah Muhad-dis Dehlvi.
"The first responsibility of the 'Ulama participating in this preaching is to bring it in line with the Qur'aan and the Hadeeth and also in line with the creed of the past Imaams and the right-guided 'Ulama. It is beyond me how the work, despite being done during the life-time of Hazrat Moulana Ilyaas with utmost adherence to principles, had only the status of a good innovation (Bid'at-e-Hasnah), could now be declared to be the most important work on earth after serious irregularities have been introduced into it. After inclusion in it. It cannot even be called a good innovation. My purpose in saying so is to acquit myself of my responsibility."
In reply to this, Mahmood Hasan Sahib Gangohi, in a letter to Ihteshaamul Hasan Sahib Kandhalvi, says: "So far I had been under the impression that you had quit residing in Nizamuddin and taken up residence in Kandhala because of health reasons and so you were unable to participate in preaching. But this pamphlet has made it plain that the reason for your non-participation is that in your eyes it is not a work connected with preaching of the faith, but a work which causes deviation in the faith." Chashma-e-Aaftaab, page 7
The 'aalim who compiled the book "Chashma-e-Aaftaab", Qamruddeen Sahib Muzaahir, writes in his preface: "Maulana Ihteshaamul Hasan Kandhalvi is one of the founders of this movement. Recently, after leveling strong criticism against the Tableeghi Jamna’at, he has declared it as an organisation which invites people to deviation." Chashma-e-Aaftaab, page 3.
Also, see this sentence by Sheikh Muhammad Zakariya Sahib occurring on page 11 of this very book. He writes: "Of course, I also have been hearing that some of the successors and the elite of Thanvi Sahib do not like it (the Tableeghi Jamna’at)."
'Abdur-Raheem Shah Sahib writes: "Correct beliefs are the basis of redemption; deeds are not the basis of redemption." Usool-e-Da'wat-o-Tableegh, page 64.
Dear readers! You have just seen the reality of the Tableeghi Jamna’at in the writings of its leading 'Ulama. SO, I need not give any fatwa or make any comment on them. Providence has itself declared them to be in the wrong through their own pens. Now the decision rests on the Deobandi-Wahaabi-Tableeghi people themselves. They are in a quandary: if they say they are right then all such of their elders are proved wrong, and if they declare their elders to be in the right then they are themselves proved to be in the wrong, and those reading these writings or hearing them will come to the conclusion that all of them, big or small, are in the wrong.
We, the Ahle Sunnat Wa Jamna’at (Sun-nee), whom these Deobandi-Wahaabi-Tableeghi people call "Bareilvi", are bad in their eyes because we show them the mirror of their own writings and ask them to tell us which of the two voices is theirs. But instead of replying to us they begin to use foul language. They have nothing else to do than to declare true Musalmaans as polytheists and innovators.
But look at the miracle of Providence that they themselves do the same things for which they declare us to be polytheists and innovators. That is to say that they do the same things which they say are unlawful and prohibited and thus become guilty on two counts: one, the guilt of calling a permitted thing as prohibited and, two, of doing the same thing after declaring it to be unlawful. What is it if not the Divine wrath encompassing them in the world?
An apprehension lingering in the minds of people has to be dispelled. You might be thinking how could a people going about in the streets coaxing people to fully adhere to Namaaz and fasting*
And urging them to recite the Kalimah correctly be said to be in the wrong. **
*It might be that people would be thinking that the Deobandi-Wahaabi-Tableeghi Jamna’at had been brought into existence for preaching and for insisting that Namaaz and fasting should be kept up. In this connection, readers have already seen in this very book remarks made by Muhammad Ilyaas Sahib, the founder of the Tableeghi Jamna’at, that he wanted to disseminate in his own way the ideas of Ashraf Alee Sahib Thanvi, that is to say he wanted to convert people to Deobandi-ism. Readers should now very attentively look into another of Ilyaas Sahib's statements made in his booklet Da'wat, also quoted on page 234 of his book Deeni Da'wat by Janab Abdul Hasan 'Alec Nadvi. He says: "Once he (llyaas Sahib) told one of his relations, Janab Zaheerul Hasan (M.A. Alig), that 'nobody understands my real motive. People think that the movement (Tableeghi Jamna’at) was a movement for the establishment of Salaat (Namaaz), while I say on oath that it is not at all a movement for the establishment of Salaat.' Again, one day he regretfully told Janab Zaheerul Hasan that he would have to create a new people. Readers would have surely known it by now, that in the words of Muhammad llyaas Sahib, founder of the Tableeghi Jamna’at, the aim of the Jamna’at is something other than that averred by the roving preachers of the Jamna’at which is meant to be a smokescreen. Their real aim is the creation of a nation separate and distinct from Musalmaans. Ilyaas Sahib had said nobody understood his mission, i.e. creating a new nation. He declared on oath that the Tableeghi Jamna’at was not a movement towards Salaat, and those who say so are liars. If they call themselves to be in the right then their own Muhammad llyaas Sahib becomes a liar.
**Janab Murtaza Hasan Sahib Darbangi says: "He who claims to have Islaam and leemaan yet reviles the Prophets (Alihum-us-Salaam) with abandon and also denies the essentials of Dee'' is not a Musalmaan at all, and is, in the eyes of all, an apostate and an infidel. "Ashad-dul 'Azaab, page 5.
This means that even correct preaching by such a person will not at all benefit him unless he corrects his own beliefs and acts.
Let me tell them that a reply has already been given with reference to Thanvi Sahib's writing which declared that even if a person holding wrong beliefs were to talk of Deen such a talk would still not be free of deviations. Although Thanvi Sahib's reply is sufficiently clear, yet what I am going to do now is to state it in a simpler language.
Supposing someone, seemingly very punctual in offering Namaaz (prayers) and Rozah (fasting) and looking to be, by his face and his appearance, a good man, invites you to a feast. For this purpose, he prepares the best quality of halwa (a kind of sweet dish) having the following ingredients: 40 grams of pure sooji (flour in fine granules) cooked in 25 grams of pure gee (butter oil), 30 grams of sugar, and 4 grams of the marrows of almonds and pistachios laced in silver foil. And only one gram of a deadly poisonous substance is dissolved completely in the concoction. Now only the glittering silver foil and the pure ghee and the almonds and the pistachios are visible.
You are also informed that glucose, vitamins and other energy-giving ingredients have been put into it, and, otherwise also, it is most pleasing to look at and all things put in it are pure.
Would you accept the invitation and partake of the delicacy? I am sure you will refuse to do so even after a good deal of coaxing by your host. Your answer would surely be that although 99% of the ingredients in it may be pure, but it also contains one gram of pure poison, the effect of which will be horrendous.
Your host would, then, tell you that all the other ingredients are visible but poison is not discernible, that other ingredients dominate and they provide tremendous strength. In reply, you will say that the inclusion of one gram of poison would cancel out the benefits of all other ingredients and would harm you to the extent that the other 99 grams would not be able to offset its effect.
Dear readers! The same is the case with these Deobandi-Wahaabi-Tableeghis. The apparent glitter of Namaaz and Rozah are publicly demonstrated, the benefits of tableegh and its efficacy are recounted but the deadly poison of hidden ideological evil and wrong beliefs and disrespect for, and insolence to, Prophethood mixed in them are most deadly for lee man.
Like poison is fatal for human body and human life, so is insolence towards Prophets and the friends of Al-Laah fatal for leemaan. You have understood it well that since redemption depends not on deeds but on right beliefs, so if one does not hold right beliefs even praying for millions of years would be of no avail to him.
A Deobandi 'aalim, Ahmad 'Alec Sahib, has, on page 80 of his pamphlet, "On causes of the displeasure of the right-guided 'Ulama with Maudoodiyat" given a similar illustration of Abul A'laa Maudoodi Sahib. I am quoting it by way of endorsement of my standpoint. This is what he writes:
"Suppose someone were to put 10 kilograms of milk into an openmouthed large pot and also a small piece (a tola) of swine flesh tied to a piece of wooden plank placed across its top. Then, when a Musalmaan is offered a drink from the milk he is sure to say he would never drink from it as all' the milk had become haraam (forbidden). The man offering you the drink would, then, say that since ten kilograms of milk is made up of 800 tolas, so why should you just see this piece of flesh, you should rather see that to the right and left of the piece of flesh and beneath it, to the depth of 4 or 5 inches, is only milk. The Musalmaan would still say that the whole of the milk had become forbidden because of the one piece of swine-flesh.
"Such is the case with Maudoodi Sahib's writings. When Musalmaans read Maudoodi Sahib's words that "there is darkness and filth all around the Khaana-e-Ka'bah", they are sure to remain displeased with Maudoodi Sahib until and unless he publicly repents making this statement and removes this piece of swine-flesh from the milk."
Dear readers! The verdict which the 'Ulama of Deoband themselves have given against their own Maudoodi Sahib also applies, in their own words, to the Deobandi-Wahaabi-Tableeghi 'Ulama and their supporters. Until the Deobandi-Wahaabi-Tableeghi people repent their pagan writings and unless they publicly announce their non-acceptance of these writings and correct their beliefs, that is to say they do not take out the piece of swine flesh from the milk and the poison from the halwa, the Muslim um-mah will not change its verdict on those of them who accept and believe in such pagan writings. The 'Ulama of Deoband have themselves given the verdict that redemption depends upon beliefs, not on acts.
The only way to a decision and a compromise lies in the Deobandi-Wahaabi-Tableeghi people admitting that these Deobandi-Wahaabi 'Ulama are guilty of writing pagan things which are against the Book (Qur'aan) and the Sunnat.
On account of not repenting these writings they are pagans and infidels and all those who believe and endorse these writings are to be bracketed with the writers of these passages. It is known to all that the commands of the Sharee'at cannot be altered, but people must bring their own inclinations and wisdom and understanding completely in line with the Sharee’at.
The moment the Deobandi-Wahaabi-Tableeghi people and others admit this, all this controversy will come to an end. But, unfortunately, whenever the successors and supporters of these writers of wrong and pagan writings have been asked to admit as much they have flatly refused to do so.
Now, readers have to decide for themselves. When Deobandi-Wahaabi-Tableeghi people remain adamant and obdurate on their standpoint then how the verdict of the Qur'aan and the Sunnat can be altered? About people whose hearts have been sealed, who have been immersed deep into the abyss of deviation, who do not like to distinguish between truth and falsehood, the Qur’aan has commanded: Lakum Deenakum Waliya Deen (for you your Deen and for me my Deen).
In conclusion, I will only say this much to my readers. How you will fare on the day when you are questioned in your-graves about the 'mercy to the universes', 'the light personified' and the 'blessed intercessor' (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) and you will be asked what beliefs you held about him before your death, on the day when the sun will be shining at a distance of only one-and-a-quarter miles away from the Plain of Resurrection, on the day when everybody will be in a state of everybody-for-himself on account of the wrath of Al-Laah, the One, the Wrathful?
On that day, nobody will get protection except within the apron of the mercy of the beloved Mustafa (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam). If you were to die holding such wrong beliefs how then will you be able to save yourself from the wrath of Al-Laah? Give this a thought.
It was for this reason that our A'laa Hazrat Imaam-e-Ahle Sunnat, Maulana Shah Ahmad Raza Khan Bareilvi (may Al-Laah have mercy on him), had been giving the following call:
(Seek refuge in him (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) and ask for his help today.
For even if you were to do so on the Day of Judgement it would surely be turned down.)
It should be noted that many people of the Deobandi-Wahaabi persuasion had advised their comrades not to accept these pagan writings. The writing of 'Aamir 'Usmaani, nephew of Janaab Shabbeer Ahmad Usmaani, in the monthly "Tajalli published from Deoband, is a case in point.
Dear readers! After this narrative, you would like to know why the present crop of Deobandi-Wahaabi-Tableeghis and their ilk are adamant about ' these pagan and wrong writings of some of their stalwarts and why they do not end the controversy by admitting their wrong. What is the real reason for this? The 'Ulama of Deoband were not so minded before. How is it, then, that they have become supporters of the Najdi Wahaabi faction, which had been sponsored by Lawrence of Arabia, and, after denying respect for Prophethood like them, have been saying improper things in the tone of Shaitaan.
I say to my readers with fear of Al-Laah in my heart that the Jews, the Christians, and the hypocrites all are enemies to Al-Laah and His Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam). The Qur'aan has explained the reality about them.
You know, it is a natural and psychological fact that when somebody's reality is exposed and his ugly face comes in full view he is greatly hurt and becomes more pronounced and adamant In his enmity, anger and envy, rather than correcting himself, to the extent that he begins to take retaliatory measures. Jews and Christians were very angry at the mercy to the worlds (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) for the expansion of the Islamic empire under his true successors and for their own defeat and humiliation. Their anger reached boiling point when they were deprived of their main centers, like Khyber and Baietul Muqad-das (Jerusalem).
Now, it became clear to them that they would now not be able to regain their lost kingdom and their power and pelf, and that they could not' face the might of the Islamic empire. So, they devised secret plans, details of-which are preserved in authentic books. These anti-Islaam groups decided that since they had been fully exposed and much weakened after being exiled from their homes there was only one way for them to avenge themselves.
This was to infiltrate Muslim ranks and destroy Muslim unity and Islamic brotherhood from within. The idea was to hypocritically become Muslim while fully adhering to their false beliefs and ideologies. All they had to do now was to recite the Kalimah and to say Namaaz This they would continue to do for show, until they had acquired the right to live in peace in the areas where they used to live.
Then would come the opportunity for them to sow the seed of discord amongst Musalmaans, so that they become so involved in their own internecine wars that they leave them (Jews and Christians) alone. When that happened, it would be easy for them to reoccupy- their own territories and, thus, regain their position.
So, the Jew, 'Abdul Laah Bin Sabaa, became the leader of this movement and all his followers hypocritically accepted Islaam. This conspiratorial group began to work out its plan sometime after the death of Hazrat Saiyyidina 'Umar Faarooq (Radial Laah 'Anhu), and the tragic martyrdom of Hazrat 'Usmaan Ghani (Radial Laah 'Anhu) was a result of the conspiracies hatched by this very anti-Islaam group.
This group extended its activities throughout the Islamic Empire, and this process continued generation after generation. They saw that the Musalmaans had intense love for their Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam), such that they would sacrifice their lives, their wealth, their all for the sake of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam), and their love of him was because of the beauty, the splendour and the excellence of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam), and it is a settled fact that men are in love with excellence and splendour.
So, this hypocritical and anti-Islaam group decided that it would not succeed in its nefarious designs unless this love was undermined and, thus, Muslim unity destroyed. Since this group had assured the Jews and the Christians that they were, in fact, loyal to them, so those people (Jews and Christians) opened up their treasures to them.
Only two factors had contributed to the Islamic conquests: intense love of the Almighty Al-Laah and His beloved and last Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam), and the spirit of Jihaad (waging war for the sake of Al-Laah). This conspiratorial group, therefore, decided to pick up such things in Deen, through writings, speeches and every possible way, which could cause friction amongst Musalmaans, leading to internecine wars.
Consequently, the meanings of the Qur'aan and the Sunnat began to be altered; things which had been prohibited began to be called lawful and lawful things were declared unlawful; the so-called 'Ulama of this evil group were given the status and rank of Imaam and their opponents began to be called polytheists, innovators and deviationists; false claimants to Prophethood began to make their appearance; a wave of insolence to, and vilification of, the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam), his holy spouses, his venerable companions, the blessed members of his household, and the friends of Al-Laah (Ridwaanul Laahi 'Alaihim Ajma'een) began to sweep through.
All this so that love and devotion to them be destroyed. When people would be told that Prophets and friends of Al-Laah had no privileged position and were mere sinful mortals, their love and enthusiasm would automatically come to an end, and when love would cease to exist they would also lose their power to act and to engage in Jihaad etc.
The master (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) from whom, by the leave of Al-Laah, none of these things were hidden, had told the world about this group and about the circumstances surrounding it.
Therefore, according to ahaadeeth, once when the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) was distributing the spoils of war amongst the Islamic army, a person, Harqoos Bin Zuhair by name, also called Zul Khuwaisarah, called out: "O Al-Laah's Prophet! You have not done justice". On hearing this utterance of the insolent person, the feelings of those dedicated to the Prophethood were aroused.
Hazrat 'Umar Faarooq (Radiyal Laahu 'Anhu) requested the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) to permit him to put an end to the life of this insolent person and to cut him into pieces with his sword. But the mercy unto the worlds (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) refused him permission to do so.
He, however, told Zul Khuwaisarah: "May your mother weep over you! I am the Prophet of Al-Laah, and if I won't do justice then who could be more just in the whole wide world than I."
And addressing his companions, he said: "He will live on, and generation after generation after generation will come out of his progeny until the last group of them will join the army of the Daj-jaal."
He also said: "The best among my Um-mat will kill him and his associates and that day they will be the worst people and those who will kill them will be the best among my Um-mat."
He further said: "The signs of his progeny will be these: they will not let the hair to grow on their heads; they will wear their trousers much above their ankles; they will say prayers of inordinately long duration so that others seeing them pray might think of their own prayers to be less excellent."
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He also said: "They will recite the Qur'aan with greater excellence, but the Qur'aan will be merely on their lips and not go beyond their throats, that is to say, it will have no effect on them."
He also said: "Their tongues will be as sweet as sugar but their hearts will be more harsh than those of wolves."
He also said: "They will show themselves to be very good, but they will be as deviated from Deer' as an arrow gone astray from its prey. These people will themselves be misled and will spread only evil." (Mishkaat Shareef, page 535; Bukhaaree Shareef, page 224, vol. 2).
Dear readers! With the demands of equity and justice before you, please pay attention to this. Do you find around yourselves people with such signs? These signs have been indicated by that Prophet of Al-Laah (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) through whom we recognise and believe in Al-Laah, that Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) through belief in whom we believe in the Qur'aan, that Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) who told us about every word said by him also which one of them was of the Qur'aan and which one of his own; these words have been uttered by the same tongue which gave us the Qur'aan.
Whosoever has total belief in the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) will have, and must have, true and perfect belief in the true sayings of the Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam). The holy
Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) has told us everything plainly, clearly. People should not be duped by cheats who may put on any disguise to give respectability to themselves or to their movement: the reality about them is as evident to us as the brightly shining sun.
Under the pretext of teaching correct Kalimah and Namaaz to simple Musalmaans, these people, who have sold themselves to the enemies of the Muslim Um-mat, are pushing them to the abyss of destruction and ruination.
With the aid and co-operation of Jews, Christians and other non-Muslims, these predators of the faith are engaged in anti-Islaam conspiracies. How can such people be friendly and faithful to us when they are not loyal or friendly to Almighty Al-Laah and His beloved Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam)?
These are a people whose God can tell lies. These are a people in whose sight the knowledge given to the Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) is like given to animals.
Instead of putting their knowledge and understanding to grasping the true principles laid down in the Qur'aan and the Sunnat, members of this group are-all the time involved in gaining the favour of their false masters. They are very fond of brazenfacedly giving the lie to truth and realities. They are not ashamed of doing things, which would do harm to Islaam and to the honour and dignity and unity of Musalmaans. They are only concerned with their own intransigence.
Dear readers! You can yourselves realise it full well how much harm have such filthy and pagan writings of these people caused to the Muslim Um-mat!
The youths should reflect how is it that in this age of material progress when science has made such amazing advancement that man has been able to set foot upon the moon, the pagan and improper writings and wrong beliefs of these Deen-selling Mul-laas have distanced from spirituality and Deen those who believe in the Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) who split the moon into two by merely pointing a finger at it.
You would have never seen this smuggling and drug-peddling group come into conflict with a government over the issue of interest. You would have never seen them asking people to desist from indulging in lewd acts in the sex markets of Bangkok, Beirut, Bombay or any other city around the world.
Crowds of them would never be seen preaching at cinema houses. They would never be seen coaxing nude people on beaches throughout the world to recite the Kalimah.
As is the case with them, they would never be seen to be acting according to the admonition of the Qur'aan and the Sunnat. Their relatives have a better claim on them.
They would, on the other hand, go away on chil-las (40 days missions) for months on end leaving behind their families to indulge in waywardness. These people, who force illiterate males to go out on chil-las leaving behind their old parents and young sisters and wives, do not take a lesson from the fact that although Hazrat Awais Qarni (Radiyal Laahu 'Anhu) was a contemporary of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) yet he preferred to lose the splendid opportunity of becoming a sahaabi (companion) just because he had his old mother to take care of.
The Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) would look towards Yemen and say: "The aroma of love comes from this direction"; and yet they do not ever remember what the Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) had said about Hazrat Awais Qarni.
These Deobandi-Wahaabi-Tableeghi writers of heathenistic passages, these preachers of the ideologies of their Mul-laas, these who turn people away from the love of the Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) and his greatness and glory are taking you towards a deviation which is sure to result in the wrath of Al-Laah.
Their preaching is neither against Zionism, Christianity and idol worshipping nor against the killing of 7 million people claiming to be Musalmaans in Iran and Iraq, nor against Zionist barbarism in Jerusalem and in Masjid-i-Aqsa.
The only thing they do is to make you their associates under the pretext of correcting your Kalimah or your Namaaz and then, by describing respect for your Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) as polytheism, denude you of all your spirituality. By disseminating these pagan thoughts can they ever be able to convert non-Muslims?
Just pay attention to the following. Supposing there is an international moot at which people of every creed and religion and race and colour are present. The Hindu, the Jew, the Christian and the Deobandi-Wahaabi-Tableeghi ask for permission to preach and, on being permitted, all four of them preach their particular religion, the ultimate aim of their preaching being that whosoever creates the most impact on listeners, the gathering, agreeing with his arguments, would accept his creed and his religion
First to address the gathering is a Hindu, and he says that his Ramchandarji was the most excellent and was very brave. In order to win the hand of Seeta Rani, he bent and broke a very strong iron bow, and his teachings, also, are very good. So, all of his listeners should convert to Hinduism and follow the excellent Ramchandarji.
Next it is the turn of a Christian, and he says that he is a follower of Hazrat 'Ieesaa ('Alaihis-Salaam). He was most excellent. Just see his excellences. He would place his hand on the eyes of a born-blind, and his eyesight would be restored. He brought the dead to life. He was most excellent and his teachings are very good. So, all of them should become Christians.
After that, a Jew gets up and says that he is a believer in Hazrat Moosa ('Alaihis-Sallam), who was of great excellence. One of his excellences was that he would strike a stone with a staff and a stream of water would begin to flow. He would put his hand under his armpit and it would come out shining bright like the moon. His teachings are very good. So all should become Jews.
In the end, a man claiming to be a Musalmaan of the Deobandi-Wahaabi-Tableeghi Jamna’at from Nizamuddin (Basti of Delhi) or from Raiwind gets up, and says that he is a believer in Hazrat Muhammad (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam). His Prophet was a human being like other men, committed mistakes like them and had no authority. The only difference between other men and he was that revelations from Al-Laah came to him but did not come to us. His teachings are good. So, all of them should become Musalmaan.
Dear readers! Tell me with Justice and equity what inference would be derived by the crowd from this statement of this representative of the Deobandi-Wahaabi-Tableeghi group. The Hindu, the Christian, the Jew had been proving the excellence of his stalwart with reference to his Deen and religion, while you have read the concepts and beliefs about his Prophet held by the Deobandi-Wahaabi-Tableeghi claiming to be a Musalmaan.
Will the crowd be impressed by the Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) of the Musalmaans after it has heard all this? Because of all these things, what to speak of others even those calling themselves Musalmaans cannot feel proud of being Musalmaans, for everyone in the crowd would be saying that when the Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) was a mere human being and he had no excellence in him it followed that the stalwarts of the other three were proved to be more excellent and better. People would say that when you are yourself admitting that there is no excellence in your Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam), then why you are perching that his (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) Deen should be adopted.
Dear readers! This would be the condition of their preaching and this is exactly what is happening.
Consequently, the centenary celebrations of the Daarul 'Uloom, Deoband, attended, as they claimed, by thousands of their 'Ulama and still more of ordinary people, were inaugurated not by a virtuous and elderly 'aalim but by a polytheist and filthy Hindu woman. The inauguration of the centenary celebrations of the Daarul-ul-`Uloom, which makes polytheists of Musalmaans, is a clear proof of their mental attitudes and ideas.*
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*Before this also, the Deobandi-Wahaabis had the effrontery to make the famous Hindu leader, Shardhaa nand, adore the pulpit of the Jami’ah Masjid, Delhi, for the sake of unity between themselves and the Hindus.
The speech which this polytheist woman, Indira Gandhi, made on the occasion also proves that there is a perfect harmony between their and this woman's ideas.
That single Hindu woman came to their basic and great madrisah in the midst of many thousands of Deobandi-Wahaabi 'Ulama and preachers and yet went away as she had come, that is to say she came as a Hindu and departed as a Hindu. They could not convert a solitary woman to Islaam inspite of their tall claim of being preachers of the Deen.
In this very India, the pride and the life of the Ahle Sunnat Wa Jamna’at, Hazrat Saiyyid Mu'eenud-deen Hasan Chishti Ajmeri Khawajah Gareeb Nawaaz (Radiyal Laahu 'Anhu), was alone when he came but, see, when he departed from this world he had converted 9 1/2 million polytheists to Islam through his preaching and his services to Been.
Had there been someone from us Ahle Sunnat Wa Jamna’at (Sunnees) present at the above-mentioned international gathering, then see a glimpse of his preaching and then decide.
That Sun-nee Musalmaan, a slave and a lover of the Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi A Sallam), would address the gathering thus:
"I am a Musalmaan and it is our faith that Almighty Al-Laah is our True Deity who is the Creator and Owner of everything. He created Hazrat 'Ieesaa and Hazrat Moosa (Alaihim-us-Salaam) and also Ram of the Hindus. We believe in Hazrat 'Ieesaa of the Christians and also in Hazrat Moosa of the Jews and also acknowledge their excellence because Prophethood and other excellences which our Rabb had bestowed on them were for the sake of our Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam).
"Our Rabb has Himself said that if He had not created our Prophet, he would not have manifested Himself. Therefore, the entire universe and all its blessings are by way of favours to our Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam).
"Our holy Prophet's blessed name is Muhammad (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) after hearing which we kiss it with our lips (as a mark of love) and put it to our eyes (as a mark of respect), and we send peace and salutatatins to him. This name (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) means a personality who has been most praised. Our Rabb has given this name; this name tells us that the personality bearing this name is praiseworthy every way. Even the Creator of our Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) praises the Prophet: even he who praises the Prophet is himself raised to the level of being praiseworthy and our Rabb praises him. Our Prophet has been praised by Hazrat Moosa and Hazrat 'Ieesaa; the Tauraat and the Evangel mention our Prophet and the Books that descended upon them also mention about his excellences. Hazrat Moosa and Hazrat 'Ieesaa came with miracles, our Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) came as a miracle personified.
"Al-Laah Almighty had blessed Hazrat Moosa and Hazrat 'Ieesaa with great favours; Hazrat Moosa ('Alaihis-Salaam) would go to the Mount Toor and talk to our Rabb; Hazrat 'Ieesaa ('Alaihis-Salaam) was raised by our Rabb to the heavens alive; and our Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) was called with his blessed body to His Highest Throne and given an audience with Him who also sent salutations to him and talked with him; the angel who used to come to Hazrat Moosa and Hazrat 'Ieesaa ('Alaihimus Salaam) had also come to our Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) and brought to our Prophet Al-Laah's latest code of life which is to be the source of all admonition to man until the end of this world; the original Tauraat and Evangel are not extant today, nor is there anybody who has memorised them; on the other hand, the Qur'aan is preserved and will always remain so, word for word and wovel point for wovel point, and then there are millions of those who have memorised it.
"In this Qur'aan, which descended upon our Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam), idol-worshipping has been forbidden because whosoever worships anyone else besides Al-Laah is a polytheist, for such idols carved by man can be of no benefit or harm to him, to the extent that they cannot drive away even a fly which would sit on them; on the other hand, an ordinary man who carves an idol has much more power and authority.
"The Hindus worship idols, and hold them to be the equals of AL-Laah. Our Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) bowed those who bowed before thousands of false diets to the Truly Worshipful Al-Laah, who is the Originator of the earth and the sky, who is the Creator of life and death, who has made the entire universe, who makes the sun rise in the east and set in the west, who has given us the body and the soul, the wisdom and the consciousness and made man the best of creations and the mirror to Eternal Beauty. It is He who sent Prophets so that they might teach us knowledge and wisdom, teach us and train us and impart meaningfulness and usefulness to our lives.
"Al-Laah Almighty has sent nearly 124 thousand Prophets, 313 of them being Messengers, and has given some of them preference over others and given them special characteristics as no other creations have been given. It is He who made our Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) the most excellent and the most perfect of all men. No one of the creations has been given the rank and status and special traits that had been given to him (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam). Nobody equals him (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) in knowledge and grace, in affability and graciousness, in munificence and generosity, in mercy and helpfulness, in life and manners, in speech and character, in behavior and habits.
"Of course, he came in the form of man but there is no man who is his equal in the whole universe. He is the light of Al-Laah; he is the best-loved bondsman of Al-Laah; he is Al-Laah's best Prophet and Messenger (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam). Our Rabb loves him so much that although He is his Creator and his Deity He speaks in glowing terms of this bondsman of His, remembers him with love and respect, sends Durood (Salutations) and Salaam (Peace) upon him. Our Rabb swears with love by his life, his speech, his city and his age, calls love of him as love for Himself, and obedience to him as obedience to Himself.
"The person and the attributes of our Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) are a mirror to the greatness and attributes of Almighty AL-Laah. Al-Laah had sent him as a radiant proof so that all creations should know and realise how great would be He whose bondsman would be so great. Our Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) is proof of the truth and the greatness of our Rabb. Our Rabb has called love of him and the act of following him as the means for the attainment Of His approval and of our own success.
"Our Rabb has enjoined upon us respect and veneration of this very Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) of His. Our Rabb has called the sending of this Prophet of ours (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) as His greatest bounty upon man, because our Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) is the very cause of the creation of the whole universe, of the earth and of the sky, and it is because of him that all the creations have become aware of Al-Laah's greatness and identity. Our Rabb has created the Paradise of ease and comfort for the slaves and followers of His Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam), and created the Hell of misery and torture for those who are his enemies, or deny him, or are insolent to him. The world becomes a slave to him who becomes a true slave to this Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) and AL-Laah's mercies turn away from him who turns away from this Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam).
"This gathering has been told by the followers of Hinduism that their Ramchandarji was a very excellent person and so strong that he bent and broke a strong iron bow with his own hands. Of course, he would have done so, but then this is an excellence, which is not impossible of being attained by other men. There is thousands of strongmen in the world and they are strong indeed and they have demonstrated many a feat of strength. Breaking a strong iron bow is not at all such a great feat. See the excellence of our Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam). Standing on the soil of Makkah Mukar-ramah, he merely pointed out his finger at the moon resplendent at a great height and the moon split into two; on the way to the Khyber Fort, at a place called the valley of Sahbah, our holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) made the sun to retrace its movements by pointing a finger at it. The Ram of the Hindus broke the iron bow and this is a feat, which can be performed by anybody. But splitting the moon into two and then to rejoin it, and to bring back the sun which had already set were the great feats demonstrated by our Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) alone. Such feats could not be performed jointly by all the Hindus and all their false deities!
"Addressing this very crowd while preaching his religion, the Christian claimed that Hazrat 'Ieesaa ('Alaihis-Salaam) was most excellent. Of course he was excellent. All that the Christian narrated about his excellences is correct. His excellences are recounted by our Rabb's Book, the Holy Qur'aan, and we accept them. The Christian has said that Hazrat 'Ieesaa ('Alaihis-Salaam) would give sight to the born-blind and with a touch of his hand he could cure the leper. But look at the excellence of our Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam)! The blessings which flowed from the blessed body, specially the hands, of our holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) are tremendous, indeed: even the dust from under the blessed footwear worn by the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) had tremendous healing power; it proved to be a cure for leprosy and for the leper. The robe worn by our blessed Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) was so blessed that even the air it generated became a cure.
"The Christian has said that Hazrat 'Ieesaa ('Alaihis-Salaam) used to revive the dead. It is true that he used to revive the dead. For the soul to be inside the body is the cause of life. With the leave of Al-Laah, Hazrat 'Ieesaa ('Alaihis-Salaam) would return the soul to the body. It was a great feat. But look at the excellence of our Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam). He restored life even to inanimate objects. He gave lifeless stones and dried trunks of trees the power to speak and to life. The saliva from our holy Prophet's (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) mouthwash was so blessed that if put into the brackish waters of a well it would turn it into a sweet-water well; if applied to a severed limb it would join up; if put into diseased eyes they were cured; if put into food for a few it would be sufficient for thousands. Hazrat 'Ieesa's ('Alaihis-Salaam) excellences are, of course, truly remarkable. But the excellences which AL-Laah Almighty blessed our holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) with are such that even Hazrat 'Ieesaa ('Alaihis-Salaam) would be envious of them.
- "Preaching his religion to this very crowd, the Jew has narrated the miracles of Hazrat Moosa ('Alaihis-Salaam) and called him a personality having great excellences. Those miracles had, indeed, taken place and Hazrat Moosa ('Alaihis-Salaam) was of great excellence. Describing them, the Jew rightly said that when Hazrat Moosa ('Alaihis-Salaam) would strike a stone with a stick a stream would flow from the stone. It is submitted to the Jew that though streams flow out of mountains but Hazrat Moosa (`Alaihis-Salaam) could make a stream flow only by striking a stone with a stick, and this was a great feat, indeed.
"Now, see what excellences our holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) had to his credit.
"During the Journey to Tabook and Hudaiebiyah, thousands of people accompanied our holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam). The season was of intense heat and the Islamic army had run out of water and the venerable companions (Radiyal Laahu 'Anhum) of our Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) who had elevated themselves over the rest of the Um-mat through having an encounter with the Prophet after believing in him, complained to our holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) that water had run out, no drinking water was available, water was much needed for ablution, for bathing, for being given to animals for drinking, there was intense heat, and it would be a great calamity if water was not found. Our Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) asked them to fetch a large vessel, and then put his blessed hand, the hand that our Rabb calls His own hand, into the vessel. And thousands of witnesses saw that five streams of cool, sweet water flowed from all five fingers of our holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam). All present drank from this water, made ablutions from it, bathed from it, gave it to animals belonging to the Islamic army and also stored them in their vessels. Hazrat Moosa ('Alaihis Salaam) had made streams to flow from stones, but our holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) made streams to flow from his fingers. This was a feat exclusive to our holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam).
"The Jew has also said that Hazrat Moosa ('Alaihis Sallam) would put his hand in his armpit and, when he withdrew it, it would come out shining brightly. This is correct. But let me tell him that our holy Prophet (`Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) was light personified; even the moon paled into insignificance before the glow of his face. His teeth were such that when our Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) smiled and his mouth opened, the sparkle of his teeth shed a flood of light. The blessed wife of our holy Prophet, Hazrat Ayishah (Radiyal Laahu Anha), could find her stitching needle in the flood of light released by his blessed teeth.
"One night, two companions (Usaid and 'Ubaad Radiyal Laahu 'Anhuma) of our holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) were engrossed in talking to each other. The night was dark and it was raining. While thus engaged in talking it became late. The two companions (Radiyal Laahu 'Anhuma) told our holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) that it would be difficult for them to reach their homes because there would be no light and the streets would be filled with water and mud. (The companions used to carry wooden staffs, because it was the practice of our holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) to have a staff in his hand and the companions (Radiyal Laahu 'Anhum) followed the Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) to the last dot. The holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) asked one of the companions to hand him his staff and after touching the head of the staff with his blessed hand he returned it, telling them it would act as their light. The two companions rose up, and when they came out the staff began to give light as does a torch. The two began to find their way in this light.
"After going some distance, the way to the homes of the two separated. The other asked the one with the lighted staff as to how it would be possible for him to reach his home. The companion with the lighted staff lighted the other one's staff with a touch of his staff and both reached their homes safely.
"Hazrat Moosa ('Alaihis-Salaam) only lighted his hand, but, see, whichever staff the hand of our holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) touched became bright and whichever staff that staff touched also became lighted. This feat is exclusive to our holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam)!
`'Not only this. Let me submit, and I am a very ordinary person, that if I were to go on narrating the excellences of our holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) the truth is that not only my life, my voice, my knowledge all would exhaust but the narration of the excellences of my holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) would not come to an end.
"And his teachings! They are a sea full of pearls, in which there is guidance for our success and progress till the end of the world. Only their attachment to our Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) had made those who tended animals in the deserts, indulged in depredations, buried their daughters alive, were given to a life of tyranny and barbarism, made them better than the Angles.
"When they became attached to our Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) and also began to closely follow the Deen of our Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam), then, because of the love for, and following in the footsteps of our Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam), they became the rulers of the world and the beloved of Almighty AL-Laah.
"I invite all of you to earn the good of this world and the Hereafter by fully attaching yourselves to our Faith, to our holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam)."
Dear readers! Tell me in all truth whether all of them, the Hindu, the Jew and all others, would not be dumb-founded at hearing the realities described by this lover of the Prophet belonging to the Sun-nee Musalmaans. They will, of course, be struck with wonder and will accept the faith of Islaam. The Prophets and the friends of Al-Laah made Musalmaans of the idolaters and the polytheists and these Deobandi-Wahaabi-Tableeghi people are making idolaters and polytheists of true Musalmaans! You see for yourselves the difference between the two preachings and beliefs as also the impact of the two.
These people who deny spiritual greatness in an age of material progress find themselves helpless before the inventions and the wonders of science. They accept all the wonders performed by non-Muslims but do not accept the excellences of Al-Laah's Prophets and friends. On hearing of the feat of Hazrat 'Umar Faarooq, a companion of our Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam), even Marconi, the inventor of radio, makes an apparatus for carrying the voice from one place to another, but those who call themselves Musalmaans spend all their energies in denying the great feat. Similar is the case with other miracles and feats. What a pity that while non-Muslims should make new inventions for the benefit of mankind and thus become superpowers through miracles performed by the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) and the feats of the friends of Al-Laah, these so-called Musalmaans should devote their whole life-time in propagating against these miracles,and feats, and destroy their spiritual strength through their waywardness!
Dear readers! Just reflect for a little while. The holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) is the beloved of Al-Laah Almighty, is the Prophet of Prophets and the Messenger of Messengers, is the mercy unto the worlds, is the intercessor on behalf of sinners, is the Taahaa (the resplendent full moon) and the Yaaseen (the commander of mankind), is the Basheer (the giver of glad tidings) and the Nazeer (Warner to the wayward), is the Siraaj-e-Muneer (the illuminating sun); love for him, obedience to him, following him and slavery to him guarantee our success, our good and our salvation. It is through the beloved of Al-Laah that we have the recognition of our Ieemaan (Faith), the Qur'aan, Ramadaan, even of the Rahmnan (the Most Compassionate). It is because of him that Al-Laah's wrath does not descend upon us as it did on earlier peoples, our faces are not distorted, and we are not turned into animals, and this is no ordinary matter. It is because of the beloved of Al-Laah (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) that we have been given a night which is better than a thousand nights. It is because of him that we have been given the distinction of being the best of all other Um-mat.
Whatever it is that the beloved of Al-Laah (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) has not given us. How will we be able to please our Creator if we do not honour and show respect to this greatest and the most loved blessing and the greatest beneficence of Al-Laah? Our devotions will not be accepted. How can we equate our claim of love for Al-Laah Almighty with insolence to His beloved? How can it be compatible with leemaan? Just look around; some are busy criticising Prophets, some in demeaning members of the Prophet's household, some are criticising the blessed companions of the Prophet, and some are criticising the friends of AL-Laah; every one seems to be asking who to believe in, who to follow.
Come, I invite you to a life of love for (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam). You should follow them who follow the Qur'aan and the Sunnat. Who love Al-Laah's Prophet. Who love members of the Prophet's household and his venerable companions and the venerated friends of Al-Laah (Radiyal Laahu 'Anhum). Who consider the love of all of them to be of the essence of leemaan and the means to their salvation; who believe in the pattern of life set by them, their teachings, and believe that adoration and love for them is the love for Al-Laah, and their pleasure is the pleasure of Al-Laah.
Look! Some one hundred and fifty years ago, there were no Deobandi-Wahaabi-Tableeghi groups in the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent. These groups have been prompted and reared by the enemies of Islaam who are engaged in hurling insults at the Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam), at his progeny, at his companions, at those loved by him, merely for the sake of a few earthly coins. They are not mindful of their own end and of Al-Laah's wrath. Al-Laah be praised that we the Ahle Sunnat Wa Jamna’at have for centuries been the symbols of truth. The basis of all our beliefs is the Qur'aan and the Sunnat, and our beliefs and acts are proved through books by the Deobandis themselves. The differences between them and us is not for selfish ends, but for the sake of Al-Laah and His Messenger (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam).
We do not like anyone who is an enemy to our beloved and is opposed to him. We do not compromise with a person who does not seek to come to terms with him. It is a pity that we consider our dear ones and relatives more adorable and important than Al-Laah and His Messenger (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam). This, indeed, is the real cause of our troubles and miseries. Until and unless we bear the most and the truest love to our holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam), are most eager to follow him, and are perfect slaves to him, we cannot hope to achieve progress, solidarity, peace, amity and prosperity. Those who subjugated Qaisar and Kisra (Roman and Persian emperors) had been the true slaves of our Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) and had received honour and greatness because of their slavery to the Prophet. But today nearly one billion of those who claim to be Musalmaan are being humbled and humiliated by only four million Jews ! Just think and reflect.
The Jews and the Christians have been striving to the utmost to divert the Muslim Um-mat from loving their Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) and to so involve themselves in their internal affairs that their attention is diverted from them. If the Musalmaans fail to understand the conspiracies hatched by them even though they have wisdom and consciousness, then such wisdom can only be pitied. If some one tries to destroy himself then the enemy does not make him understand it and does not prevent him from doing so.
Non-Muslims, fully aware that the type of Mu'min the Tableeghis would be able to make pose no threat to them, have allowed them (the Tableeghis) to roam about the countries of the world carrying their beddings and their metal or plastic pots for general use.
They know it full well that they would not be harmed unless those calling themselves Musalmaans suffuse themselves with the spirit of Badr through their beliefs and deeds. As we know, at Badr only 313 Musalmaans had crushed three times larger fully armed troops, relying on the spat of their Faith and on the love for their mantled master (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam). Today the Jews and the Christians are trying to deprive the Musalmaans of the spirit of the Faith. The enemy within is much more deadly than the enemy without. By making those claiming to be Musalmaan their own handmaids, they are continuing with their job.
Come, let us distinguish between friend and foe, between our own and the stranger, strengthen our ties with the true slaves of the beloved Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam), become one another's defender and friend in the name of the same Prophet, and with unity in our ranks become like a lead-filled solid wall. You must believe that AL-Laah's mercy and help will be with us at every moment, and greatness and honour and success and prosperity will be our destiny. For it has been proclaimed thus:
"Kee Muhammad Se Wafaa Toone Tuo Ham Tere Hein
Yeh Jahann Cheez He Kiyaa Lauh-o-Qalam Tere Hein"
(I Myself Am yours if you are faithful to Muhammad (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam).
What to speak of this world, even the Tablet and the Pen will be yours
Wa Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Habeebihi Saiy-yidina Muhammadin
Wa Alaihi Wa Ashanbehi Wa Baaraka Wa Sallama Ajma'een.
(Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam)
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